
3d Futuristic Walpaper Paint Designs

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorThe modern market of finishing materials includes many ways to design surfaces. However, as many years ago, wallpaper is considered the most common option. They have not lost their relevance primarily due to a wide range – different shades, patterns and textures allow you to create a truly original interior design. Recently, on the shelves of stores began to appear actively 3D wallpaper. They attract attention and are able to transform any room. Let's talk about the features of such a finishing material, its types and ideas of wall decoration.


  • 1 Features of 3d wallpaper
    • 1.1 The advantages of 3D wallpaper
    • 1.2 The disadvantages of 3D wallpaper
  • 2 Types and characteristics of photo wallpapers
    • 2.1 Solitary
    • 2.2 Rolled
    • 2.3 Panoramic
    • 2.4 Fluorescent
    • 2.5 LED light
  • 3 Types of printing 3D wallpaper
  • 4 Interior ideas with 3d wallpaper
    • 4.1 Kitchen
    • 4.2 Bedroom
    • 4.3 Living room
    • 4.4 Children's
    • 4.5 Corridor
  • 5 How to glue 3d wallpaper?
  • 6 3d Wallpaper For Home Wall
    • 6.1 3D wallpaper to decorate stunning spaces

Features of 3d wallpaper

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorYou have decided to make repairs in the apartment and want to get a stylish result that will attract the attention of guests at home? Well, then you should look at 3 d photo wallpaper. Such finishing materials will not be able to go unnoticed – just imagine that you have high mountains, thick forest or night city lights on your walls. The main thing is to properly arrange all the other parts of the room and achieve maximum harmony in the interior.

What is the difference between 3D wallpaper and classic photo canvas? The fact is that in this situation, manufacturers use a special technology, which is also called the stereoscopic effect. Thanks to him, it turns out to achieve the illusion of image volume. That is, it will seem to you that the picture on the wall really has depth (for example, stretching into the distance is expensive).

Thus, ordinary wallpaper can simply convey a realistic image. At that time, as the 3D format went even further and allowed to recreate the texture of the illustration or photo.

The process of producing photo wallpaper consists of several stages. First of all, the required image is selected and its parameters are set. Then a photo or illustration is introduced into a special computer program, where specialists process the file, giving it realism. Only after that the canvas is ready for printing – the case for small – to choose the appropriate material.

Important! Carefully consider the design of 3D wallpaper in small rooms. The fact is that such images look great at a certain distance. In too small a room, they can create the effect of cluttering the space.

Today, the range of 3D wallpaper for the walls is quite extensive. For example, you can find images:

  • nature;
  • urban landscapes;
  • painting reproductions;
  • animals (birds, insects, wild animals);
  • imitation of other surfaces (brickwork or natural wood);
  • space objects;
  • geometric patterns and more.

The advantages of 3D wallpaper

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorWhy are more and more people choosing 3d wallpaper for interior decoration? A few years ago, the photo web was considered bad taste. That's because the manufacturers didn't think much about the design of the finishing material and stamped similar images (forests, waterfalls, fields). However, over the past 5-7 years, the situation has changed radically. Recently appeared 3d wallpapers are now at their peak of popularity for a number of good reasons:

  1. Attractive appearance. This is the first thing that distinguishes 3 d wallpaper from other types of finishing material for walls. They allow you to get a realistic composition and become an accent in any interior.
  2. No design restrictions. Of course, today you can buy 3D wallpapers in the online store with a variety of designs. But this is not the only way to get the canvas. You can also order printing of photo wallpapers according to your sketch. It can be a beautiful picture, family photo, illustration and so on. In addition to design freedom, you also have the opportunity to choose absolutely any size of photo wallpaper. Now you should not worry that the image will be too big / small for the wall.
  3. Easy to care. By themselves, 3D wallpapers are made from a variety of materials. However, they have one common feature – a special protective and dust-proof vinyl layer. Thanks to him, you can easily wash the wallpaper with a damp cloth, without fear of spoiling the coating. In addition, today you can find fabrics on a fabric basis that can be cleaned even with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Visual expansion of the room (which, however, is valid only in large rooms). Due to the deep image creates the illusion of extending the room. You seem to immerse the room in the picture, making it part of the picture.
  5. Ease of sticking. 3D wallpaper does not require special glue and any specific rules for installation.
  6. Long service life (some individual types of wallpaper can last more than 20 years).
  7. Compliance with all fire safety requirements.
  8. Zoning space. If necessary, select several zones in the same room often used partitions, curtains or racks. However, if you do not want to lose space, you can simply select the dining area, located in the kitchen, with the original 3D image.
  9. Environmental friendliness.
  10. Wear resistance. The same protective vinyl layer, which prevents the appearance of dust, also allows you to avoid various mechanical damage to the surface of the wallpaper.

The disadvantages of 3D wallpaper

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorDespite the large number of positive properties, 3D wallpapers have certain disadvantages:

  1. Finishing material requires the most even surface. Yes, above we have already said that the process of gluing 3d wallpaper is quite simple. However, at the preparatory stage, you will have to torment a little and remove all minor defects (cracks, chips, remnants of the previous housing material) from the wall. Otherwise, the realism of the image on the wall will suffer greatly.
  2. Glueing 3d wallpaper alone is not the best idea. It is in your interest to clean up as flat as possible. Otherwise, the image will "float" and will definitely lose its 3D effect. Therefore, it is better to call experienced craftsmen for such purposes.
  3. Wallpapers 3 d only began to appear as separate material for the decoration of the walls. Therefore, you are unlikely to find a large selection in ordinary building materials stores. Still, it is better to contact specialized sales outlets, which in turn cooperate with printing services.
  4. High price. For the original image, printed on the canvas under the order, you, of course, have to pay. But in this case, you will receive not only the unique design of 3d photo wallpapers, but also the ideal size of the canvas. However, the finished wallpaper cost a lot. As a rule, 3D wallpaper for walls will depend on:
  • the size of the canvas;
  • the material from which the wallpaper is made;
  • type of print;
  • design complexity.

Types and characteristics of photo wallpapers

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorToday, manufacturers offer many models of 3D wallpaper. Photos show how accurately such finishing material can convey a realistic image. Due to the large assortment, it became necessary to classify photo wallpapers. Based on the material, the following types of 3D canvas are distinguished:

  1. Paper 3D wallpaper is not only the most budget, but also environmentally friendly material. This allows you to use them to finish the bedroom or children's room.
  2. Non-woven or vinyl. Such 3D wallpaper for the walls will fit perfectly into a room with high humidity (for example, a kitchen). Thanks to the manufacturing technology of the surface of the canvas is not afraid of moisture and dirt.

As for the external features of the finishing material, everything is much more complicated. To date, it is customary to distinguish these types of 3D photo wallpapers:


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorThe easiest version of photo wallpaper 3d. Externally, it is characterized by the fact that it has a clear framework. That is, unlike some other types of canvas, in this case, the image is applied not on the whole wall, but on its part. This technique allows you to achieve an accent spot in the room, highlighting a particular area.

To make the picture look logical and complete, we recommend you to use frames (wooden, plastic or metal) or color borders, thus delineating the outline of the image. Single 3D wallpapers play more decorative role and serve as a window to another world.


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorIn a different way, these 3D wallpapers are also called standard. This is because, outwardly, they resemble the very wallpapers we are used to – rolls, on which only part of the image is placed. During the installation process, strip by strip, you will get a complete picture. Of course, one should not expect from this type of paintings reproductions of paintings or beautiful landscapes. As a rule, the 3D effect on them is achieved through geometric or ethnic patterns.

An important advantage of this type of 3D wallpaper is that they do not require adjustment in the length and width of the canvas. You can carry out the sticking of rolls yourself without even having such experience. The main thing is to carefully monitor the pattern of one roll to continue on.

Rolled canvases can be decorated as a separate wall, and part of the surface, thus creating a stylish accent in the room. A properly selected geometric pattern can visually expand a small space or visually stretch walls with a low ceiling.


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorPanoramic 3D wallpaper is a separate type of design art. They are the undisputed leader among other types of 3D paintings. And it is not just like that. Such finishing material is placed over the entire surface of the wall, allowing you to achieve the most realistic image.

Some interiors assume that all 3d walls will be covered with panoramic 3D wallpaper for the walls. This design looks stylish and unusual. The main thing is to choose more neutral images that do not overload the eyes (for example, beware of small geometric patterns or bright shades).

Among the advantages of the panoramic canvas can not be said about its lack of such as the complexity of the installation. Nonprofessionals better not even get down to business. After all, the picture needs to be glued in such a way that it lies flat on the wall and does not have any air bubbles between the wallpaper and the wall. Otherwise, the 3D effect of the wallpaper may deteriorate. So, choosing this material, be prepared for additional costs in the form of payment for the wizard. However, the finished result will exceed all your expectations. Just look at the panoramic 3d wallpaper photo:

Most often, panoramic 3D wallpapers illustrate nature or the urban landscape. Thanks to the placement of the canvas over the entire surface of the wall, you will manage to literally expand the boundaries of the room and visually enlarge the room.


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorSuch 3d wallpapers in the daytime are not much different from the previous version. All their beauty is manifested with the onset of night. The fact is that the basis of the web in the manufacturing process is applied a special solution based on phosphorus. As soon as it becomes dark in the room, phosphorus begins to highlight individual elements on 3D photo wallpapers. He can show only part of the image or completely duplicate the drawing.

Important! Some people think that applying a special solution can have a negative effect on their health. However, this is not the case. Fluorescent wallpapers are absolutely safe.

Of course, luminous phosphorus will no longer have a 3D effect. Realism of the image will be noticeable only in a lighted room. At night, such wallpaper looks more like an element of decor. They create a unique atmosphere and help the eyes to relax.

Tip: Use fluorescent 3D wallpaper in the nursery. This technique will allow your child not to be afraid of the dark. Now you can forget about the nightlights, working from the network or from the batteries – drawing on the wall will serve as an unobtrusive additional light source and help children fall asleep quickly. Just keep in mind that if the nightlight can be turned off if necessary, it is impossible to get rid of the backlight on 3D wallpaper. In this case, you have to change the design of the walls.

Not all images involve the use of phosphorus. Agree that the glowing forest or beach will look at least illogical. Illumination on illustrations of space, night cities or ocean depths will look much more attractive.

LED light

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorThe most innovative type of 3D wallpaper – LED canvas. In fact, to call them wallpaper is not quite right. The fact is that this wall decoration consists of a huge number of small LED lamps built into one common system.

Often for such a 3-D wallpaper comes with a special remote. With it, you can:

  1. Adjust the brightness of the lighting.
  2. Turn the backlight on and off.
  3. Change the hue of the image.
  4. Completely change the picture (provided that it was intended by the manufacturer).

Glowing 3D wallpaper to buy in Ukraine is quite difficult. This technology has just begun to spread, so the range is not a great choice.

Such 3D wallpaper in the interior not only serves the function of finishing the wall. They also become an additional source of light in the room. They are much better able to cope with the role of a night light, so they look more appropriate in children's rooms. Indeed, unlike the fluorescent models, such canvases are easily turned off if necessary.

However, LED 3D wallpapers also have several drawbacks:

  1. High cost of material. This is not surprising, because under the term "wallpaper" in this case hides the whole system consisting of lamps and a chip.
  2. The complexity of the installation. Only professionals can cope with the installation of LED 3D photo wallpaper.

Types of printing 3D wallpaper

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorAn important factor in the quality of 3D photo wallpaper is a method of printing a finishing material. Modern manufacturers are trying to use quality materials. And this concerns not only the basis for wallpapers, but also coloring materials. All images are applied to the canvas using several types of ink:

  1. Paints that appear under the action of ultraviolet. This type of printing is the most common. This is because with its help, manufacturers can achieve a rich image and clear contours of images. In addition, these 3D wallpapers are characterized by a long (more than 10 years) service life.
  2. Eco-solvent. The production technology of such paint is a bit more complicated. The ink consists of a solvent and a coloring pigment. Among the advantages of the material can be identified durability (over 20 years) and the ability to recreate an image of any size. However, eco-solvent ink has drawbacks. First, they have a rather peculiar smell. Which can erode for a long time. And secondly, the production of wallpaper will take more time – the paint dries for a long time.
  3. Made from environmentally friendly materials and able to dry for several hours. The main disadvantage is the poor clarity of the resulting image. In addition, the technology of manufacturing such 3D wallpaper involves the use of high temperature. Therefore, latex paint can be used exclusively on a heat-resistant basis.

Interior ideas with 3d wallpaper

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorThe main feature of 3D wallpaper is their versatility. Depending on the selected image, these canvases will fit into any interior solution. A variety of materials is responsible for this property, which allows you to install wallpaper not only in the bedroom or in the living room, but also in the kitchen or bathroom. Let's look at the stylish and original design ideas for each individual room with 3 d wallpapers.


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorLet's start with the most difficult. Namely – from the room with high humidity. Because of this feature, it was not recommended to glue wallpaper in the kitchen before. However, times are changing, and modern technologies allow the use of such finishing material for the walls of the kitchen and dining room.

Of course, paper 3D wallpaper in the kitchen – not the best option. Even the most expensive and high-quality models will not withstand the high humidity, steam and fumes that appear in the process of cooking. But as for vinyl or non-woven fabrics – they fit perfectly into the interior and will be able to withstand water and dirt.

As for the images on 3D wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen, it all depends on your preferences and on the features of the interior. The most common paintings on the kitchen walls are:

  • landscapes of small ancient cities (for the kitchen in Provence style);
  • coffee beans;
  • images of restaurants, cafes or bakeries;
  • nature (forest, ocean).


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorIn the bedroom there is such a thing as an accent wall. As a rule, it is located at the head of the bed. It is there that it is recommended to install wallpaper for the bedroom 3d.

3d wallpaper bedroom design can be varied. The most common images are:

  • nature (mainly ocean, forest and mountains);
  • abstract motifs;
  • big cities.

It all depends on what style of interior prevails in the room. For example, in a futuristic bedroom, 3D wallpapers with a picture of, for example, New York will look great. And for a room in the Oriental style, you can pick up a photo of Sakura gardens. The main thing – try to arrange the space in a more soothing colors, which would have put to rest and a quick bedtime. After all, the bedroom is the place where a person relaxes after a hard day and gains energy for new achievements.

Important! Realistic paintings on 3D wallpaper can be poorly perceived by your nervous system. As shown by numerous studies, with a long stay in a room with a 3D image, some people begin to feel weak, dizzy and headache. The quality of sleep and, as a result, the quality of life may also deteriorate. Therefore, before pokleit 3D wallpaper in the bedroom, we recommend that you find out the reaction of your body to such images. After all, a bedroom is a place for high-quality and high-grade rest.

Living room

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorThe living room is perhaps the only room that has no limitations regarding the design of 3D wallpaper. The main thing – to comply with the main idea of interior design. Being, as a rule, the largest room in the house, the living room allows you to use both light and dark colors in the decoration of the walls.

You can place a huge picture on the entire surface, or you can choose a single 3D wallpaper in the interior of the living room to focus on a separate part of the room.

As for the images, then everything is entirely at your discretion. In the living room use 3D photos:

  • reproductions of paintings;
  • nature;
  • animals;
  • birds;
  • insects;
  • colors;
  • small ancient cities;
  • megacities;
  • abstract patterns.

For example, for a high-tech room, you can choose 3d wallpaper with the image of large cities, dew, foliage or grass. For the living room in the style of Provence – a photograph of French streets.For the classic style – reproductions of famous paintings.


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorMany children like the design of the walls with 3D wallpaper. And this is not surprising, because with their help you can get images of your favorite cartoon or book characters. Of course, the style of paintings will depend on the gender, age and interests of your child. Therefore, before you glue the 3D wallpaper, ask what children want to see on the walls of their room.

For girls, as a rule, they choose gentle wallpapers with pictures of Disney princesses or abstract patterns. For boys – 3D wallpapers for walls for children with superheroes or robots. For an older child fit 3D wallpaper on the wall of space or the ocean, which can be endlessly studied and considered.

Tip: Choose a more neutral color palette, so as not to overexcite the nervous system of the child. This is especially true of children who fall asleep heavily and are hyperactive.

As for materials, you can choose any wallpaper for your taste and wallet, ranging from eco-friendly paper and ending with LED (which in turn can serve as a nightlight).


2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorThe corridor is most often the smallest room in the house. Therefore, it will not always be appropriate to install 3D wallpaper in it. If the square still allows you to experiment a bit with the design, pay attention to the images of the stairs, walkways or the pier. Such a picture is placed on the wall, which "ends" a long room. In this case, 3D wallpaper in the corridor creates the illusion of depth and care in another reality.

Important! Remember that the corridor helps guests make a first impression of your home. So try to use muted and neutral shades in the design of 3D wallpaper.

How to glue 3d wallpaper?

2020 Modern 3D wallpaper in the interiorThe process of pasting 3D wallpaper is quite simple and consists of several stages:

  1. Surface preparation (careful alignment of the wall).
  2. Preparation of adhesive composition.
  3. Wallpapering
  4. Drying the canvas.

Remember that it is not always you can independently cope with wallpapering. In some cases (especially for panoramic images) you can not do without the help of a professional. In any case, the installation of 3D paintings is not much different from the installation of photo wallpaper. Therefore, if you want to learn the nuances and the basic rules of sticking, just read our article on this topic.

As you can see, there are many techniques for using 3D photo wallpaper in the interior. Thanks to the large selection of illustrations, you will be able to choose the option that fits perfectly into your interior. By the way, 3D wallpapers for walls are relevant for any style of rooms – the main thing is to choose the appropriate image. In this case, wall decoration will undoubtedly attract the attention of guests at home and become a real accent in the interior. Create 3D wallpaper walls, ceilings, niches or even the floor to get a textured and bold design of the room.

3d Wallpaper For Home Wall

3d Wallpaper For Home Wall

For some time now the paper began to gain strength in the decoration of walls. After years in oblivion, he returned and there was very little time that this trend required to become a protagonist and begin to invade all kinds of decorations. So much so, that today it has become a must in the decoration of almost any type of interior.

We have seen wallpaper in all kinds of spaces and integrated in all kinds of decorative styles. And always, with their colours, with their designs, with their prints … that end up captivating us. But, despite the fact that not only do we not get tired of this trend, but each time we fall more in love; the trend wallpaper or decorative paper for walls is still reinventing …

Now, wallpaper is not just a coating that we can find in endless colours, designs and prints; but we can also find it in 3D version.

The 3D decorative paper allows creating modern, modern spaces, giving great importance to the wall and area that decorates and impresses elegance to the room without falling into excesses. It is one of those elements that, wherever you put it, will never go unnoticed.

The wide variety of materials puts at our disposal endless possibilities when decorating any room in the house, including office or commercial premises.

3D wallpaper to decorate stunning spaces

In this bedroom a beautiful embossed paper in a broken white tone brings a touch of elegance and distinction to the room.

In this image we can see the paper used as a coating in a bathroom. And its effect is so spectacular that it could well be confused with ceramics or other heavier material. However, it is a wall paper.

And it comes on treading so hard, that this type of paper we already find them also prepared for the wet areas of the house, such as the bathroom or the kitchen, allowing easy cleaning of them when being washable.

Another possibility when decorating with wall paper is to place it only in one part of the house. And if it is delimited by a frame, as in the following photo, you can make it a spectacular headboard for the bed.

There are many firms that have already opted for 3D paper as a proposal in their collections to decorate the walls … That is why, nowadays, we can also find countless 3D paper designs to decorate our walls with a 'touch' original, personal and with character.

What do you think? Do you think it's a good option when decorating the wall?

3d Futuristic Walpaper Paint Designs


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