
How To Drive Laparoscopic Camera Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a common surgical procedure many women undergo to treat a multifariousness of health conditions specific to the female reproductive system past removing the uterus. At that place are variations of the process that include different parts of the reproductive system depending on the nature of the condition.

Mutual Reasons for a Hysterectomy

1. Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterine wall. The fibroid tumors may abound very big and put force per unit area on other pelvic organs. Women who accept uterine fibroids may experience heavy haemorrhage or astringent pelvic pain in some cases.

ii. Gynecological Cancer

A hysterectomy may be the best form of handling in some cases of gynecological cancer or precancer. This includes uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and cancer of the uterine lining. Other treatments for these atmospheric condition include radiation and chemotherapy and your doc will determine which is best for you based on how advanced the affliction is.

3. Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which the uterus is displaced and slips into the vagina. Prolapse is frequently found in women who have given birth multiple times and tin as well exist a problem for obese women and postmenopausal women. The condition can cause urinary and bowel issues as well every bit pelvic pain or force per unit area.

iv. Abnormal Bleeding

Heavy or prolonged bleeding caused by infection, cancer, hormone imbalance, or fibroids can be potentially dangerous. When other treatment options neglect, a hysterectomy may be suggested.

5. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside of the uterus (in the pelvic cavity, on ovaries and fallopian tubes, and the outer surface of the uterus). The tissue growth causes haemorrhage betwixt menstrual periods and hurting that tin can get very intense and interfere with daily life. This chronic condition does not have a cure and in astringent cases, a hysterectomy may be recommended.

half dozen. Endometrial Hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia refers to the over-thickening of the uterine lining. It is often acquired past the presence of estrogen without progesterone for prolonged periods of time, which can happen during times when hormone levels are changing, like during perimenopause.

7. Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is a condition similar to endometriosis in that information technology involves the growth of uterine lining where information technology should not grow. Nevertheless, unlike endometriosis, the tissue grows inside the walls of the uterus where it does not vest which can cause bleeding and pain.

8. Severe Pelvic Inflammatory Illness (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory illness (PID) is a bacterial infection in the pelvic cavity that can cause severe pelvic pain. When defenseless early on, PID can be treated with antibiotics. Withal, if the infection is left untreated and spreads, it can damage the uterus.

Types of Hysterectomy

Depending on the woman's reasons for a hysterectomy, one of four types of hysterectomy will be performed.

  • Total Hysterectomy : A full hysterectomy is the well-nigh mutual blazon of hysterectomy which involves the removal of the entire uterus and the cervix. The ovaries are left in place.
  • Hysterectomy with oophorectomy : This procedure includes the removal of the unabridged uterus and one or both ovaries. The removal of the ovaries is called an oophorectomy, and if both are removed, it is referred to as a bilateral oophorectomy.
  • Radical Hysterectomy : In a radical hysterectomy, the uterus is removed along with the cervix, the top portion of the vagina, and virtually of the tissue surrounding the cervix in the pelvic crenel. The pelvic lymph nodes may too be removed. This type of hysterectomy may be necessary in cases of cancer.
  • Supracervical hysterectomy : Likewise known equally a partial or subtotal hysterectomy, this is a procedure in which the trunk of the uterus is removed but the cervix is left intact.

Hysterectomy Procedures

Today, in that location are three methods for performing a hysterectomy

1. Abdominal hysterectomy : Every bit the proper name suggests, in an abdominal hysterectomy, the uterus is removed through an incision in the abdomen. The incision usually measures between vi-8 inches long and can be made either horizontally or vertically. This method is used when the ovaries and fallopian tubes demand to exist removed as part of the procedure, when the uterus is enlarged, or in cases where the disease has spread into the pelvic cavity. Endometriosis and cancer are ii mutual diseases that will spread this style.

2. Vaginal hysterectomy : In a vaginal hysterectomy, the doctor removes the uterus through the vaginal opening. A doctor may opt for this type of hysterectomy if uterine prolapse is involved or if vaginal repairs need to be made.

3. Laparoscope-assisted vaginal hysterectomy : This is a vaginal hysterectomy that uses a laparoscope, which is a thin and flexible tube with a video camera within. The tubes are inserted through incisions about the navel. Using the camera for guidance, the uterus is removed in sections. The sections are removed through the vagina and sometimes through the laparoscope tube.

At Kernodle OB/GYN, we know the conclusion to get a hysterectomy is a big one and nosotros volition work with you to brand y'all equally comfortable with your treatment plan as possible. We offering minimally invasive hysterectomy and laparoscopic surgery, which can brand the procedure less daunting and cut down recovery time. If you lot have concerns about your gynecological health, including questions about hysterectomies, y'all can make an appointment by calling 336-538-2367. If y'all are a current patient and take a MyChart business relationship, you lot tin can likewise schedule an engagement online .


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